Winter news

The snow is slowly melting and we’re looking forward to the spring, but I’m glad that we had so much snow and that we could sleigh, trudge through deep snow and make shoe tracks in snow. We learned to make “whoopee” sound by tobogganing and we watched the skiers on the slope behind our town, so now Olivia knows at least what I’m talking about when we read about winter fun.

Olivia already can undress and dress her trousers, take off her shoes (and also take on her slippers), put on her cap and unzipp the zippers. She can say two- and three-word phrases in the language she prefers at the moment and when she pretends she is on the phone she comes to me and says, “Mama psssst leise” what means I should be quiet. She likes playing hide and seek game, chasing, making cakes from play dough, she builds houses from Lego (preferably with the highest chimney), reads, draws and plays puzzle (25 parts is now just right). In the nursery, they already had carnival and I dressed her like a meadow fairy, but I think next year it will be more meaningful for her.
