
This year we decorated our first common Christmas tree. We bought lights, decorations and gifts together and we had an ideal Christmas atmosphere. We even found out that it is possible to buy a fresh carp here. Although we celebrated Christmas in Slovakia, we left two wrapped gifts under our tree at home, so we could unpack them afterwards. I was expecting anything but a sewing machine. I haven’t even dreamed about it (well, maybe I thought about it sometimes that it would be useful). Therefore I was really surprised when I unpacked a big heavy package under our Christmas tree. I would like to say to little Jesus that it is quiet and works pretty good and I’ve already managed to fix my pyjamas.

We were really pleased with all the gifts, we enjoyed the proper unpacking with Kika and as always we were happy that we could be with all those people. Andrej began to think about killing the Christmas carp by himself the next year, so I’m not sure if I should be worried or happy. Anyway, we will see. And I need to mention that we started baking a poppy strudel and our mew poppy seed grinder managed it great.
