
We asked Olivia what season we have right now and she as usual didn’t want to answer straight away, so we asked Dominik what he thought about it. He looked and said:“Summer”. Olivia was quite angry :) Olivia now enjoys when she can help me. She always says:“You know, I’ll help you Mom, so you have more time to play with us.” And she makes a breakfast or dinner table ready, she prepares all ingredients for cooking and she chops and mix them when needed. I guess she went through another developmental milestone. Dominik sometimes joins us, especially when he is hungry. Otherwise, he enjoys a moment to play just for himself.

There are already holidays in the kindergarden and nursery. Olivia is delighted to be a “middle-aged child” from September, a great kindergarden kid. She often asks when she finally is 5 years old (she has already made her birthday crown with number 5) and when Dominik joins her in kindergarden. Dominik likes that place very much, most of all, he loves an excavator in a sandpit and wooden horses.
